Rana Muhammad Siddique Khan
Rana Muhammad Saddique khan belongs to the Madan Phalla, a village in the suburb of Hafizabad. He has unique identity among political, social, journalistic and business circles. Since 1995, after getting B.CO degree, he is related to overseas recruitment services. He established BMR Arab Tech International Trade Test Centre and earned a name in providing technical training to youth in different fields of construction.

He founded a company BMR International under the own license of overseas employment promoters. He is the chairman of the company and the member of chamber of commerce and industry. He remained a Nazim of union council of Wani, Hafizabad. He has been serving the journalism field for the last eight years, these days he is connected to Nawai Waqat media group and is the executive member of press club Hafizabad. He has got extensive social circle.